Social Engineering – Potential threats to business executives

Social Engineering – Potential threats to business executives

An executive security plan that doesn’t contain protection against social engineering is often to blame.

February 13, 2024

In today’s society, it’s not all that uncommon to read stories in the news about business executives who have found themselves scammed, phished, robbed, or, even worse, kidnapped for ransom. While not in every case, an executive security plan that doesn’t contain protection against social engineering is often to blame.

Wanting to stay transparent, many executives willingly share information[1] about their private lives through social media sites. However, this leaves them vulnerable to attacks. Not only do personal posts put people at risk of having their information hacked, but this type of information sharing can also put them at risk of physical danger.

Social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter provide cybercriminals an opportunity to gather data they can use against the person posting.

With social engineering, the possibilities are endless. This is why every business executive needs to learn the signs of trouble and take the right steps for optimum protection.

Fortunately, business executives have options[1] for reducing the threat associated with social engineering.

Less Sharing

While probably difficult, especially for executives who live and work by the rule of remaining transparent, it is imperative to share less information, regardless of the medium. They can still share information, just nothing that could come back to haunt them at some point.

Personal Information

It is possible to share pertinent information to build a successful business without giving up personal data. Business executives should scour their public domain accounts, scrubbing them of any private details.

Advanced Technology

All companies, regardless of size or industry, should have a secure email system,[2] including web gateways designed to scan for social engineering tactics and anything malicious. Business executives should also consider taking security awareness training and offering this to the entire organization. After all, cybercriminals often look for weak points from which to gather information, such as through lower-level employees.

Take Control

Just because social engineering is a real threat does not mean you have to become a victim of it. Take charge today by understanding the different tactics that cybercriminals use. Then, find the best way to protect yourself, your family, and your business.

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